Yom Tov Yummies A Trip Around the Year in a One-of-a-Kind Bakery. By Sara Blau

Yom Tov Yummies A Trip Around the Year in a One-of-a-Kind Bakery. By Sara Blau

Code: 1-60091-332-7



Product Description

If you were a baker
With an apron and hat,
A mixing bowl and blender,
And much more than that�
�then what would you bake for each Yom Tov?
Children often associate the Jewish holidays with each one�s own unique foods, whether it�s honey cake for Rosh Hashanah, hamantaschen for Purim, matzah for Pesach, or cheesecake for Shavuos. In Yom Tov Yummies, your child will be taken on a mouth-watering trip around the year, as he or she meets up with the various symbolic foods of each Yom Tov�in one very special bakery!