Rav Schwab on Prayer The Great Rav's Teachings on the Siddur By Rabbi Shimon Schwab

Rav Schwab on Prayer The Great Rav's Teachings on the Siddur By Rabbi Shimon Schwab

Code: 978-1578195121

$28.79 SALE


Product Description

Rabbi Shimon Schwab was officially "retired," but his mind and conscience never rested. Always a great thinker and teacher, he turned his attention to the Siddur, and drew his congregants along with him. A lifetime of learning, thought, piety, and perspective were poured into thesestimulating and inspiring lectures, which are now presented in this book.

This a great Rav's last gift to his beloved people. In the last few years of his long, distinguished, and productive life, Rabbi Shimon Schwab, the famed and beloved spiritual leader of Khal Adath Jeshurun in Washington Heights, NY, taught Siddur to his congregants. 
Rabbi Schwab was a product of two worlds: the Frankfurt-am-Main of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch and the Lithuanian Yeshivah. 
He absorbed both, blended both, molded them with his great intellect, profound faith, vibrant heart, and charismatic personalty. 
He became the moral voice of American Orthodoxy, eloquently demanding integrity and idealism -- and succeeding because he made the same demands of himself. 
He always went upward, and drew his listeners after him.