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Professor Buber and His Cats by Susan Tarcov Ages 4-9

Professor Buber and His Cats by Susan Tarcov Ages 4-9

Code: 978-1728439037

$8.99 NEW


Product Description


Ketem the cat is looking for a new home. Professor Buber’s house looks like a good place to live, but the local cats tell Ketem the famous writer doesn’t want any pets. He once let his cat distract him when a man came to him for advice, say the cats. Since then, no more cats, they say. But Ketem has a plan to make Professor Buber's house his own, and enlists a group of neighborhood cats to help. Based on a true story of Martin Buber's cats.

Illustrator: Fontini Tikkou

Grades: PreK-3

A fan­ci­ful weav­ing of facts and dream-like thoughts, this gen­tle, enchant­i­ng book enhances real­i­ty as it intro­duces young read­ers to a his­tor­i­cal fig­ure they may nev­er have encountered.

Ketem, a wise Israeli cat, is about to face the loss of his com­fort­able book­store abode in Jerusalem. He has decid­ed that his new res­i­dence will be the book-filled home of Pro­fes­sor Mar­tin Buber, the world-renowned author and philoso­pher. Per­haps based on Buber’s leg­endary rela­tion­ship with his cat, the philosopher’s rep­u­ta­tion is well-known among the local fer­al felines. The cats con­fer, dis­cussing the plau­si­bil­i­ty of mov­ing in with the ven­er­a­ble sage.

Respect and rela­tion­ships ― key­stones of Buber’s world­view ― per­me­ate this engag­ing book. It is an excel­lent can­di­date for night­time read­ing or for any time you and your chil­dren need to remem­ber some impor­tant and last­ing values.

About the Author

Susan Tarcov grew up next to the Bronx Zoo, a great inspiration for writing children's books. She is married, has three children, and lives in Chicago. Her previous books include Maya Prays for Rain, Raisins and Almonds: A Yiddish Lullaby, The Rabbi and His Donkey, and Professor Buber and His Cats.


Fotini Tikkou is an illustrator from Greece, now living in Copenhagen. She graduated from the Athens School of Fine Arts. Her work includes children's books, editorial illustrations, and handmade ceramics.