Out of Stock Eli's Bags (Step-by-Step Reading Series Book 1) By Faigy Rosenberg & Esti Weiss

Out of Stock Eli's Bags (Step-by-Step Reading Series Book 1) By Faigy Rosenberg & Esti Weiss

Code: 1-60091-230-6



Product Description

Join Eli the clown as he delivers mishloach manos to neighbors and friends. Watch what happens when Eli discovers he has a real problem on his hands and see how he resolves it.
Finally, a Beginning Reading Skills series produced by certified reading specialists with years of experience in the field! Introduce your child, or classroom, to the first two of six, easy-to-read books that are culturally appropriate, yet educationally familiar. The step-by-step approach parallels the standard curriculum goals set in place in the school system. Includes activity pages for more fun and review.
It's simple...It's fun...It's a Step-by-Step read!