Can You Eat Cholent With A Straw?

Can You Eat Cholent With A Straw?

Code: 0-9770352-9-8



Product Description

This book is just right for younger readers and listeners - from its rythmical, simple, and carefully worded text, to the readily grasped concept it teaches.
And how does it teach?
In the way that kids learn best: by leading them to observe, think, discover, imagine, categorize, and draw their own conclusions.
Thinking skills are further enhanced as children associate pleasure and joy with their learning experience, through...
  • The book's delightful laugh-out-loud humor
  • interactive format
  • charming, endearing, and amusing illustrations all embodied in a wholesome chinuch presentation.
  • Illustrated by Gitty, this book features adorable real life characters, artistically drawn by hand!