Meiri on Pirkei Avos A discourse on Jewish Ethical Belief and Practice Hebrew - English

Meiri on Pirkei Avos A discourse on Jewish Ethical Belief and Practice Hebrew - English

Code: 978-1680254976

$29.95 NEW


Product Description


A discourse on Jewish Ethical Belief and Practice 

By Rabbi Menachem ben Shlomo HaMeiri

Rabbeinu Menachem HaMeiri was not only an eminent Rishon, Talmudist, and posek, but also a master of hashkafah, philosophy, mussar, and middos. All of this greatness is evident in the Meiri’s monumental commentary on Pirkei Avos — the final part of his classic Beis Habechirah.

Now this masterpiece is available in clear, fluid English, with fully-vowelized Hebrew text, illuminating explanatory notes, and an extensive introduction for historical context and overall perspective.

The Meiri on Pirkei Avos offers a unique synthesis that illuminates the essence of living a life of Torah. This year, discover Avos anew through the wondrous words of this outstanding and original thinker.