Shlomo Carlebach In the Palace of the King With Chorus and Orchestra

Shlomo Carlebach In the Palace of the King With Chorus and Orchestra

Code: CD_Carlebach_Palace



Product Description

1 Horachamon - Merciful One
2 Ono Hashem - Please God Help Me
3 V'Yism'Chu V'Cho - Give Joy
4 V'Shovu Vonim - They Will Return
Rachmono P'Rok - Take Off My Heavy Burden
6 Chonenu Hashem - Lord Have Pity On Us
7 Lo Sevoshi - Don't Be Ashamed
8 Sh'Ma Kolenu - Hear My Prayer
9 Mikdash Melech - King's Palace
10 Hashem Melech - God Is My King