Teka BeShofar: Mastering Shofar Blowing, By Avrohom Reit Expanded Hardcover Edition

Teka BeShofar: Mastering Shofar Blowing, By Avrohom Reit Expanded Hardcover Edition

Code: 0-9859721-0-3



Product Description

When it comes to blowing shofar, you've definitely got what it takes - as long as you have this easy-to-use, informative, and innovative guide. This illustrated, step-by-step manual walks you through every step in the procedure: from selecting a shofar, to good posture and breathing, to perfecting every distinctive shofar sound. Includes a pictorial guide to the pertinent sugya in Rosh Hashanah 26-27, along with relevant halachos, minhagim, and advice from the experts.

Teka BeShofar clearly demonstrates that everyone can develop, or further perfect, their skills. So whether you’re a beginner or wish to perfect your skills, pick up a copy - and start blowing today!